EcoLearn Legal Notice
In accordance with the Law n° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, we provide users with the following mandatory legal notices:
Site Editor
Ecolearn – Registered trademark
8, rue de Crussol 75011 Paris
Siret : 880916986 00024
Phone : +33 (0)
E-mail :
Website :
Director of the Publication
Directors of the publication and responsible for the site: Pierre Montel & Arnaud Herrmann
2, rue Kellermann BP 80157
59053 Roubaix cedex 1
Telephone: 1007
Website :
RCS LILLE METROPOLE 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 2620Z / VAT number : FR 22424761419
Respect for intellectual property
The website is composed of many elements:
texts ;
illustrations and moving images ;
photographs ;
All the functionalities developed to make the website functional, and more generally all the elements reproduced or used on the website, are protected under the intellectual property law and are the full and complete property of EcoLearn.
Any use, reproduction, distribution, marketing, modification of all or part of the web site or of all of the elements mentioned above, without the prior written consent of EcoLearn, is strictly forbidden and may result in legal proceedings and prosecution as provided for by the laws in force under intellectual property.
Hypertext links
The website may contain hyperlinks to other websites published and managed by third parties. The company EcoLearn cannot be held responsible directly or indirectly in the event that the said third party sites do not respect the legal provisions.
Photographs and Illustrations Credits
None to date